Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Global Warming- The Response in Britain

Things could be worse if we were living in Britain..From the "Daily Mail" Warning to homeowners as the green vision is unveiled"--some highlights of the article---
Homeowners who refuse to make their properties energy efficient will face financial penalties under drastic government plans to transform Britain into the world's first 'green' economy.

The Government said that every new home should be "carbon neutral" within ten years - and existing properties subject to a 'home energy audit' to assess how green they are. A draft Climate Change Bill published yesterday dismissed sceptics, insisting there was 'no longer any real debate' that climate change was happening and man-made emissions were the main cause.

Mr Blair compared the fight against climate change to the battle against fascism. Here's the story..


  1. There's no longer any real debate? When was there ever any real debate on climate change?

    The IPCC's final report hasn't even come out and already British leaders are forcing their citizens to adapt to costly changes and stifling any opposition.
    Talk about a battle against fascism..

  2. And I thought Tony Blair was a good guy. Al Gore must have converted him....

  3. Being a good guy doesn't make you immune to making bad decisions.

  4. Politicians just go with the flow, swim with the tide. Just look at how "green" the Governator of California has become. I don't think people will wake up to this global warming scam until it starts hitting them in the pocketbook hard, real hard. By that time the perpetrators of this crime will be long gone.

  5. So far, Bush has gone against the current, resisting pressure to enact new policy changes.
    And with an upcoming election year, an informed public can influence policy with their vote.

  6. Let's hope the public can become informed. At least they won't have Bush to vote against.
