Tuesday, April 17, 2007


I hate this phrase, "Follow The Money", because I like to think that everything really isn't all about money. I like to hope that maybe, just maybe there is some genuine good out there. When I watch the nightly news on TV I sometimes wonder. Here is a good article on the subject.

"The money is in catastrophic global warming because it’s being pushed by a political agenda that wants power. Power in Washington. Power on the international stage. Power over economic development. Power over international monetary decisions. Power over energy. In short, power over the motor of the world. It’s driven by literally thousands of large and small non-governmental organizations (NGOs) sanctioned by the United Nations, and implemented by a horde of bureaucrats, university academics and an ignorant but pliable news media.

Case in point. The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) used to publish the journal Science. Since 2000, it has published roughly 75 commentaries which have supported the idea that global warming is a serious problem requiring massive solutions. Now, the AAAS acts as a massive lobbying operation pushing this agenda. Taxpayers have now provided $20 billion into the scientific community for global warming work.

Moreover, Science and its British counterpart Nature won’t publish articles to the contrary of the agenda. If a scientist wants the prestige of being published, then he must carry the catastrophic global warming banner."


  1. Yes, this is something I believe because I've seen it
    happen.. over and over.
    It's encouraging to read the comments from others who
    oppose AGW.. and of course to listen to you. It's not
    the kind of thinking I see in my day to day life. It's
    good to know there are other people who don't simply
    follow blindly.. that there are regular, normal people
    who think and question. Makes me feel less of an

  2. This is true of some of the smaller scientific publications, too. Many of those who decide which articles are published have taken an unyielding stance in support of a Global Warming Crisis.

    The general public seems to have no problem accepting that big business is dirty, willingly providing false data to boost their profits, but we're reluctant to consider that those who work in the fields of science and the environment are just as prone to corruption.

  3. I would never say scientists are "prone to corruption". But scientists are humans, and they have mortages and mouths to feed like anyone else. When their employers, whoever they may be, and whatever their political or business motives might be, when those in power put pressure on these scientists, many of them give in and "follow the company line". To stand up for truth and honesty can sometimes mean being fired. How many of us have the courage to do that?

  4. You shameless liar!!! Go to hell!

  5. Scientists are capable of being corrupted.. or pressured to "follow the company line", as you say.. just like anyone else.

  6. Uh oh, I'm a "shameless liar" and I should go to hell? It sounds like that person has a guilty consience.

  7. To the other anonymous,
    Where has he lied?
    Why is it that people like you, with no factual evidence to back up their claims, resort to name calling and vulgarities?
    Is that all you have to offer?
