Friday, March 30, 2007

Looking At The Big Picture

This is a comment from:

By joe_schmo (honest)
Yes, the facts are pretty obvious and anyone would be an idiot not to see them. The temps are rising in the past 50 years. The concentration of CO2 is rising. Now, to leap to the idea that human are a major part of this, or that humans are a major part of the future of this earth, is a step that no scientist could possibly link cause and effect. Humans are a strange species. Most feel we are the center of the universe still. We will come and go, and the planet will be fine. We are not that important. Get over yourself.And if you want to look at the global warming issue, you must look at longer time periods, longer than when human interaction was even a possibility.

There are so many other longer cycles to look at before we deem this as the most amazing pivotal time in the history of the world. The earth is old. Please look at the 15 to 30 thousand year cycle of the axis wobble. Please look at the 50 to 100 thousand year cycle of the shape of the orbit of the earth around the sun. Please look at the even longer cycle of our solar system moving up and down through the plane of this galaxy. Please look at the evidence of much longer cycle of temperature change over thousands of years through polar ice cap core samples to see that this has happened before. Far before man's intervention.

Can we do something about adding more or less greenhouse gases or affecting the amount of living trees on the earth? Sure. Wonder what that will do?There is evidence for major cataclysms associated with impacts of asteroids and comets, major volcanic activity, and major climate changes over the 4 to 5 billion years this old earth has been evolving. It will be fine. When humans have long gone and before the sun turns to a red giant will consist of billions of years in which the earth will support life, go through major cataclysms, and continue to evolve. So yes, the evidence is obvious and hard not to look at for anyone who is willing to look, but how much are you willing to look at?? Are you willing to look at enough to see that we are pretty insignificant in the big picture? That we are only here for a blink in time?


  1. wow.. reading that made me feel pretty insignificent.. bummer

  2. sorry, but we are pretty insignificant in the big picture. A little humility is good now and then.

  3. sorry, but we are pretty insignificant in the big picture. A little humility is good now and then.
