Thursday, March 29, 2007

Human Input....

Of course we can not stop all our pollution......but I'm talking global warming.....dude...

From a reader:
So you don’t think man has any bad effect on the earth/environment at all?
Come on now even the oceans are polluted.
only place left that is pristine is Hawaii and Aspen.......
No,.. I doubt we can reverse what has happened but come on now you cant tell me we have not had any bad effect.


  1. And the only people who can afford to ski Aspen are Al Gore and his Hollywood know that....

  2. Do you want to pay for Al Gore's pollution? He wants you to.

  3. I think we ought to do more to limit the amount of
    pollutants we dump into the environment.. but I tend
    to think it does us more harm than it does the earth.

    I think this big ol' planet has its own
    built-in defense mechanisms.. probably built up an
    immunity to us puny humans long ago anyway..

    Environmentalists like to twist and confuse pollution with global climate change.. two totally different things..
    to manipulate us.. to shame us into obedience..

  4. Are you saying it is all merely God's Will? Mother Earth has it all under control and it was planned that way?

  5. No, I won't pretend to know the answer to those questions. And I don't think the choices we make are without consequence. Afterall, we've developed nuclear weapons that rival the worse kinds of weather-related catastrophes. We're quite capable of wiping our entire species off the planet. But I do believe that once the radiation dissipated and all the dust settled, Nature would continue on its way without us.
