Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Hundreds Gather To Protest Global Warming

We must stop global warming, say hundreds of "Frosty Snowmen".......before it is too late.


  1. Gostei da sua preocupação!!Espero que os americanos se conscientizem desse grave problema!!Nós, brasileiros, estamos bastante preocupados com o aquecimento global.

  2. Pieddy,
    Can you say that in English or can someone translate it? I can only guess what you're trying to say.

  3. He said:

    "You are obsessed with science which you do not properly understand!! Especially you Americans who worry more about money than the environment!!! You bastards are preoccupied with the global environment and you have lousy jokes on your blogpages!!!"

    That's slightly rough but more or less the gist of it.

  4. Anon,
    We may not fully understand everything about science, but we sure can recognize when a person is being an ASSHOLE.
