Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Obama Being Told To Take A Seat And Shut Up

Obama being told to shut up and take a seat after lecturing the Chinese about the environment and climate change.


  1. Oh Pete, have you stooped to this level?

  2. Anon....get a life and find a sense of humor.

  3. Oh! That was humor. I didn't recognize it as such...

    ...yeah, that's kind of lame...

    How about this as a caption:

    Chinese President Hu Jintao points to yet another blogspot, "Pete's Place," which purports distortion on environmental issues.

    "I don't understand such Americans," Jintao said through an interpreter today. "Does your educational system fail you that badly in your country?"

    "Sadly," President Obama replied, "people's cultural and political frustrations sometimes get in the way of their good judgment and critical thinking."

    "Oh yes," replied Jintao, "that's how we ended up with communism in our country."

    Yeah, I like that better.
