Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Global Warming Myth Biggest Scandal Of All Time

Is the public so jaded they pay no attention to this global warming scandal? Or is the public so thoroughly brainwashed about the myth of man-caused global warming they can not question its validity or accept this scandal? The truth will prevail, as it always does, and this myth that carbon dioxide emsissions cause global warming will go down in history as one of the greatest scandals of all time.

Inhofe to call for hearing into CRU, U.N. climate change research
Posted: 23 Nov 2009 12:41 PM PST

Sen. InhofeThe publication of more than 1,000 private e-mails that climate change skeptics say proves the threat is exaggerated has prompted one key Republican senator to call for an investigation into their research.

In an interview with The Washington Times on Monday, Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) announced he would probe whether the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) "cooked the science to make this thing look as if the science was settled, when all the time of course we knew it was not."

WarmerGate Fallout: 'I am sick to my stomach': 'As a long time AGW supporter I must say I found the emails very disturbing'

Posted: 23 Nov 2009 12:32 PM PST

AGW supporter: "I feel ashamed for the behavior of our leading scientists … I feel betrayed."Former believers in the UN and media hyped "consensus" of man-made climate fears are now pausing and reconsidering the "evidence" which "ClimateGate" or "WarmerGate" has exposed.

A posting on the Christian Science Monitor named "Ron" sums up the impact of the scandal that is rocking the United Nation's global warming establishment. These comments may turn out to be the inconvenient sentiment of many.

If the CRU leak was an inside whistleblower, here’s the line-up of potential suspects heroes
Posted: 23 Nov 2009 12:26 PM PST

Keith Briffa: Could this man be
the whistleblower?If it was indeed an insider whistleblower, Jones, Briffa, Kelly, and some others could be crossed off of this CRU staff list, but who knows what lurks in the hearts of the others?

Hmmm, I’d put my money on Mr. Mike Salmon, just because he’s the IT guy. But, if it’s hard to get in contact with Salmon to inquire about this matter, it’s probably because he’s being water-boarded by Jones and Briffa.

NYTimes: We Won't Publish "Statements that Were Never Intended for the Public Eye."
Posted: 23 Nov 2009 11:38 AM PST

Andrew Revkin taking the high road? Hardly.With the release of hundreds of emails by scientists advocates of global warming showing obvious and entirely inappropriate collusion by the authors -- including attempts to suppress dissent, to punish journals that publish peer-reviewed studies casting doubt on global warming, and to manipulate data to bolster their own arguments -- even the New York Times is forced to concede that "the documents will undoubtedly raise questions about the quality of research on some specific questions and the actions of some scientists." But apparently the paper's environmental blog, Dot Earth, is taking a pass on publishing any of the documents and emails that are now circulating. Andrew Revkin, the author of that blog, writes:

Climate change scientists launch defense of Climategate emails

Posted: 23 Nov 2009 11:30 AM PST

Kevin Trenberth trying to get in front of the
storm of controversy.Some of the world’s top climate change scientists have found themselves having to defend their internal communications after thousands of emails were exposed on the Internet last week. The emails, stolen from Britain’s Climate Research Unit, University of East Anglia, show the inner workings of the elite group of scientists and have those involved struggling to explain the contents.

Skeptics of the manmade climate change theory have seized on the messages saying the messages are evidence of collusion among the scientists to falsify and hide data. The scientists for their part have said the messages are being ‘taken out of context.

Global Warming Hoax Weekly Round Up Special Edition: Hadley CRU/Leak Hack
Posted: 23 Nov 2009 07:37 AM PST

s been a weekend for the hippiesHere’s a bonus round-up of all things Hadley CRU hack/leak. The Global Warming Hoax Weekly Round Up will still appear here on Thursday, fear not.
The site at the center of the storm is Climate Audit, Steve McIntyre’s web lair. If you have trouble getting it to load (because lots of people just discovered that the science isn’t settled), try the mirror site.

Already there are calls for a public enquiry in the UK, and you can bet that Michael Mann’s involvement will interest Senator Inhofe. It’s about time someone took Mann to task, that Miami Vice remake was terrible.

Global Warming: Can we Get an Apology Now?Posted: 23 Nov 2009 07:34 AM PST

For the last few years, many of us have been screaming from the frozen mountaintops that global warming is a farce intended to make lots of money for those that are warning of ocean covered coasts and melting ice sheets. Profiteers like Al Gore have been showing slide shows to our kids, making goofy movies and trying to funnel billions if not trillions of dollars into their pockets.

These people, I understand. They are money grubbing idiots who's intents are easily seen (at least if you are not wearing green eyeglasses).

Settled Science? Computer hackers reveal corruption behind the global-warming "consensus."
Posted: 23 Nov 2009 07:27 AM PST

Mann oh man: "Perhaps we should encourage our colleagues in the climate research community to no longer submit to, or cite papers in, this journal.""Officials at the University of East Anglia confirmed in a statement on Friday that files had been stolen from a university server and that the police had been brought in to investigate the breach," the New York Times reports. "They added, however, that they could not confirm that all the material circulating on the Internet was authentic." But some scientists have confirmed that their emails were quoted accurately.

The files--which can be downloaded here--surely have not been fully plumbed. The ZIP archive weighs in at just under 62 megabytes, or more than 157 MB when uncompressed. But bits that have already been analyzed, as the Washington Post reports, "reveal an intellectual circle that appears to feel very much under attack, and eager to punish its enemies":

Gore’s Manipulation Allowed By Mainstream Media Climate Change Bias – Continues With CRU
Posted: 23 Nov 2009 07:22 AM PST

“It is a characteristic of all movements and crusades that the psychopathic element rises to the top.” Robert Lindner

How much longer will Al Gore get a pass from the mainstream media? A little bit longer if their failure to react to the devastating revelations of files hacked from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia is a measure. Their behavior reflects how most, especially from the left, have abetted the scientists who deliberately perverted climate science.

Gore’s Manipulation Allowed By Mainstream Media Climate Change Bias – Continues With CRU
Posted: 23 Nov 2009 07:22 AM PST

“It is a characteristic of all movements and crusades that the psychopathic element rises to the top.” Robert Lindner

How much longer will Al Gore get a pass from the mainstream media? A little bit longer if their failure to react to the devastating revelations of files hacked from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia is a measure. Their behavior reflects how most, especially from the left, have abetted the scientists who deliberately perverted climate science.

Lord Lawson calls for public inquiry into UEA global warming data 'manipulation'

Posted: 23 Nov 2009 07:18 AM PST

Lord LawsonThousands of emails and documents stolen from the University of East Anglia (UEA) and posted online indicate that researchers massaged figures to mask the fact that world temperatures have been declining in recent years.

This morning Lord Lawson, who has reinvented himself as a prominent climate change sceptic since leaving front line politics, demanded that the apparent deception be fully investigated.
Inhofe Says He Will Call for Investigation on "Climategate" on Washington Times Americas Morning Show

Posted: 23 Nov 2009 07:14 AM PST


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