Monday, November 30, 2009

Global Warming True Believers Up Against The Wall

The global warming true believers are panicking and growing desperate, exposing the rotted and corrupt foundation of the entire "green" movement. There is much more to come. Stay tuned.

Yikes. Someone got the talking points. Can you say, “Peer reviewed studies?” Methinks those leaked emails that pretty much show Global Warming is … what’s the best way to put it?… the big fat freakin’ lie we all knew it was, has stirred our friend Ed up some.

You know what he sounds like? Someone who believes the Earth is 6,000 years old trying to explain away a dinosaur fossil.

Oh, that old time religion…


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avatar Brian G Valentine
Ed Begley demands peer review.


I am a peer and I hereby pronounce "man made climate change" an abject fraud.

I also accuse Trenberth, Jones, Mann, and Briffa of willfully deceiveing people about things they knew to be false and promoted them to be true, and then trying to cover it up. I also accuse these people of willfully trying to prevent people who disagreed with them from publishing dissenting views with publishers that previously published pro AGW studies.

No one should put any belief in human-related climate change. Absolutely none, it is a fraud based on bugus and completely junk science. The people from the Hadley Centre in England have demonstrated that to the world more completely than my words ever could

Ed Begley Jr. Loses It On Fox News


Yikes. Someone got the talking points. Can you say, “Peer reviewed studies?” Methinks those leaked emails that pretty much show Global Warming is … what’s the best way to put it?… the big fat freakin’ lie we all knew it was, has stirred our friend Ed up some.

You know what he sounds like? Someone who believes the Earth is 6,000 years old trying to explain away a dinosaur fossil.

Oh, that old time religion.....

Ed Begley demands peer review.


I am a peer and I hereby pronounce "man made climate change" an abject fraud.

I also accuse Trenberth, Jones, Mann, and Briffa of willfully deceiveing people about things they knew to be false and promoted them to be true, and then trying to cover it up. I also accuse these people of willfully trying to prevent people who disagreed with them from publishing dissenting views with publishers that previously published pro AGW studies.

No one should put any belief in human-related climate change. Absolutely none, it is a fraud based on bugus and completely junk science. The people from the Hadley Centre in England have demonstrated that to the world more completely than my words ever could

Another comment:

The foaming, ranting Ed Begley Jr is a commie nut intent on cramming eco-worship down everyones throat, the latest back door to collectivist tyranny. California has cleaner air because they have run industry out. He is welcome to live in his eco-utopia but has no right to force it on everyone else using guns of government. "The commons" is what he says it is. Peer review?? What a joke. It is the entrenched interests that OWN peer reviewed journals and academia and the entrenched interests want to chain people with this global warming scam so they can control them and their property. So we are not allowed to do own own research, decide what experts and yes, even-gasp-weathermen-we want to listen to?? A physicist isn't good enough, certainly not smart enough to grasp the intricasies of global warming (although actor Ed is convinced HE has)??? Sorry, I'll get my info whereever I want. I no longer subscribe to the government school indoctrination that all knowledge be compartmentalized and is only available to "experts" in whatever field. Buckminster Fuller had an interesting view on that. He contended that the brightest among us are groomed to advance in highly specialized fields of study and because they are so specialized they accept other specialists at face value, thinking that those specialists couldn't know/do what we do in our fields of specialty so we couldn't understand theirs. This leads to a de-fusing of very bright people among the population, a way of keeping them from questioning or trying to understand and connect the dots. The very bright are then "managed" by the "not as bright". Begley is saying that only these highly specialized "climate experts", who would certainly be much easier to control and manipulate are competent to decide whether global warming really exists. This is utter nonsense, the equivalent of saying "don't look behind that curtain and believe what makes sense, listen only to the Great and powerful Oz". Wonder what Begley thinks of Eric Hoffer, Thomas Jefferson, self-taught actors, and the like. My list of actors I will pay to watch or can stomach continues to shrink.

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