Saturday, April 26, 2008

Recent Photos and Pictures Saved For Internet Trolls

Night time satellite photo of the Korean Peninsula, showing the difference between the southern, free Korea, and the northern Communist (socialist) Korea.

Just a jerk.........

Global warming true-believers and internet Trolls.......

What I say to critics......

Mess with America? (The Bald Eagle, being the symbol of America)

What captured members of Al Gore's true believers of man-caused global warming see after being captured by GeoPete's Commando Kats......

Global warming true belivers going down the tubes.....


Al Gore, the Global Warming Guru......laughing all the way to the bank over his big hoax...."revenge didn't elect me President.......ha ha ha....I've got the last laugh".

The Canadian dollar coin, called the "Loonie", named after the bird...and Canadian environmentalists......


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