Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The following compilation of information and links comes from DocNavy on the MSNBC Discussion Board titled "Environment".

Message #1 - 09/20/07 02:17 PM
Greetings all! Here for your perusal are a number of Articles, and Websites that help explain Global Warming. As this is a complex subject that is EASILY spun in a number of directions I have attempted to pull together a few resources that start at a basic level and work their way up to the more technical aspects of Climate Change. All of these sites contain referenced material, and bibliographies if you wish to go more in depth.
If anyone finds/has more educational information that they'd like to include, please post it. Please make sure that your posts contain active links, and the material can be understood by the Layperson. I invite both "Pro-AGW" and "Skeptics" alike. Thanks.
**Disclaimer** A number of sites I list could be classified as "Skeptic", but even those sites endeavor to show accurate, referenced, scientific data. The terms "AGW" and "GW" Stand for "Anthropogenic Global Warming", and ""Global Warming" respectively.
*Revised* A decent referenced primer that covers most everything related to AGW, HERE.
An easily read investigative article on the foundations and history of AGW, HERE.
A somewhat brash, though still good article on what might be causing GW, HERE.
An engaging academic DEBATE between Pro-AGW authorities and "Skeptics".
*UPDATED* A transcript of "An Inconvenient Truth" and a LINK to the Video, accompanied by a LINK (Pt.1), LINK (Pt.2) to Pacific Research Institute's documetary about AIT's presentation of scientific "Facts".
LINK to "The great Global Warming Swindle" Documentary that is the Skeptical response to "An Inconvenient Truth."
An interesting article on the historical Climate Change Crises claims, HERE.
An interactive explanation of what "The Greenhouse Effect" is, HERE.
An explanation of what "Carbon Sequestering" or a "Carbon Sink" is, HERE.
The "Hockey Stick", a peer reviewed, referenced paper on exactly what it is, HERE.
A peer reviewed paper on the science of Climate Change, HERE.
*Revised* A referenced article explaining some of the more esoteric and confusing mathematical expressions often cited in IPCC TAR Report used to express actual warming, HERE.
Transcript of the Testimony of Richard S. Lindzen before the Senate Commerce Committee on 1 May 2001 on Global Warming and The Kyoto Protocol.
A peer reviewed paper explaining Climate Change, The Kyoto Protocol, it's results and how it effects the average person, HERE.
A peer reviewed paper discussing the effect of a warmer, CO2 enhanced World on Human Health, HERE. --==One of my personal FAVORITE reads!!==--
*NEW!* An outstanding and easily understood article on Water Vapor and it's relationship to the Greenhouse Effect, HERE. (Thanks DietDew)
An interesting article from the WASHINGTON POST about the "Fuzzy Math" used by mainstream media about Climate Change, HERE.
An excellent site explaining what thermal inversions, and Photochemical Smog are, HERE. (Thanks LtDan)
A DEVASTATING documentary on the attitudes and motivations behind the modern Eco/Enviro movement, and the disparity between what is seen in the media and what is done in real life, HERE.

**UPDATED!!** 27Nov2007
-Moved from previous thread to here 20Sept07-

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