Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Bagdad Bob and Global Warming

This is funny to anyone who has been following the MSNBC Message Board titled "Environment".
Peter (GeoPeter)

GCB Stokes
Message #210/09/07 10:55 AM
BAGDAD BOB? Did you mean Bagdad Bob?

Come to think about it, Bagdad Bob and Rabid Roy could very well be one in the same....

The Evening Global Warming Report with Rabid Roy

Report: Our investigations have uncovered the truth behind MSNBC.com Message Board Skeptics. Our investigation has now confirmed that GeoPeter, GCBStokes, Grillednutria, wagmc, DigDog, DUCKRACER, Doc Navy, TheZooKeeper and all others are paid Big Oil Bush cronies making millions for they're expert opinions to cloud the issues and to confuse the public in an attempt to re-write the good and factual science of Al Gore, a great and honest man who cares only for the good the earth and all men.

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