Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Nir J. Shaviv, Associate Professor, Phsyicist and Climate Scientist

This is some background and more information from Nir J. Shaviv.

The Author
This site is maintained by Nir J. Shaviv, who is an associate professor at the Racah Institute of Physics in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. According to PhysicaPlus: "...his research interests cover a wide range of topics in astrophysics, most are related to the application of fluid dynamics, radiation transfer or high energy physics to a wide range of objects - from stars and compact objects to galaxies and the early universe. His studies on the possible relationships between cosmic rays intensity and the Earth's climate, and the Milky Way's Spiral Arms and Ice Age Epochs on Earth were widely echoed in the scientific literature, as well as in the general press."

from: http://www.sciencebits.com/myresearch

Personal Research
Other -->
I am an associate professor at the Racah Institute of Physics of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Below are links to some of the more serious research I do, all explained in laymen terms. (A friend of mine always says, if you cannot explain your research in laymen terms, you probably don't understand what you're doing!).
Very Luminous Stars (and other astrophysical objects)
Passing the Eddington limit without getting a ticket: A detailed summary of the theory of porous atmospheres and how they can explain the existance of super-Eddington objects.
Cosmic Rays, their effect on the Terrestrial Climate, Global Warming, etc.
The Milky Way's Spiral Arms and Ice Ages on Earth: A detailed summary of the evidence linking between passages of the Solar system through the Milky Way spiral arm, and the appearance of ice age epochs on Earth. This including the cosmic ray flux reconstruction from iron meteorites.
The Cosmic Ray / CO2 / Climate Debate: During 2003/04, a debate raged over the question of whether CO2 is the main climate driver over geological time scales, or whether it is the cosmic rays which are dominent. Here you'll find the attacks and rebuttels.
Cosmic Rays and Climate: A general review on the development of our understanding of the link between cosmic rays flux variations and climate.
Natural or Anthropogenic? Which mechanism is responsible for global warming over the 20th century?
A primer on Climate Sensitivity, why global circulation models cannot predict it, and why empirical evidence suggests it is small. Summary of the Current Evidence for a Cosmic Ray Climate link -->Polarization Behavior of light near Magnetized Neutron Stars -->
Related research:
Celestial Climate Driver: A Perspective from Four Billion Years of the Carbon Cycle - Summary of the above research from a geochemist's point of view, that of my colleague Prof. Jan Veizer.

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