Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Carbon Dioxide's Role In Global Warming and Climate Change

I must save and share this........carbon dioxide's role in this issue is central, and vital. All of the information we can get is valuable. Thanks to GCB Stokes

GCB Stokes
Message #265 - 06/04/07 08:03 PM
The fact that carbon dioxide levels and temperature are correlated for only some of the time is seen as proof that carbon dioxide is a major climate forcing, yet nobody notices the growing number of research papers that examine the timeline and the order of events. A respected Lead Author confirms that there are no research papers in IPCC circles or elsewhere that show the ‘right’ order of events supporting man-made global warming theory (1). High carbon dioxide levels follow warming and are not a primary cause of it, according to the five research groups listed below (2). One set of authors, Caillon et al., conclude that carbon dioxide is not the forcing that drives the climate system. There are a host of papers - a selection from the last 25 years is also listed (3) - that show any claimed consensus on the ’science’ is non-existent, but the media and those with a vested interest ignore it.
An equally serious problem is that controlling climate change is an impossibility by any human means. There have been numerous major temperature changes, well before the industrial revolution and the internal combustion engine, where a shift of 10 degrees F. has taken place within a decade yet today some folk are convinced that a shift one-tenth of this size on the same timescale must be anthropogenic because it coincides with factories and cars. This is not so. Danish meteorologist Dr K Lassen has researched 400 years of climate data in peer reviewed papers and found no human signal in the data, just a convincing match with the Hale and Gleissberg cycles of solar activity. Major climate shifts further back in the geological record reflect the Milankovitch cycles in the Earth’s axial tilt and orbital eccentricity, while over the longest timescales there is a clear link with cosmic ray flux (5). How can man affect solar eruptions, our planet’s movement through space, or galactic supernovae? O’Neill and Oppenheimer have published evidence that the thermohaline circulation shut down many times in the past without mankind’s help, while our planet’s polar ice caps are mere itinerants. The present set arrived ca. 30 million years ago. Before that you have to go back about 300 million years. We haven’t seen them wax and wane before because we weren’t around, yet there’s much angst today even though antarctic ice is thickening at a rate of 27 billion tonnes / year (according to a Joughin & Tulaczyk paper in Science).
(1)Prof. John Christy, IPCC Lead Author
(2)Caillon, N., Severinghaus, J.P., Jouzel, J., Barnola, J.-M., Kang, J. and Lipenkov, V.Y. 2003. Timing of atmospheric CO2 and Antarctic temperature changes across Termination III. Science 299: 1728-1731.
Monnin, E., Indermühle, A., Dällenbach, A., Flückiger, J, Stauffer, B., Stocker, T.F., Raynaud, D. and Barnola, J.-M. 2001. Atmospheric CO2 concentrations over the last glacial termination. Science 291: 112-114.
Mudelsee, M. 2001. The phase relations among atmospheric CO2 content, temperature and global ice volume over the past 420 ka. Quaternary Science Reviews 20: 583-589.
Indermuhle, A., Monnin, E., Stauffer, B. and Stocker, T.F. 2000. Atmospheric CO2 concentration from 60 to 20 kyr BP from the Taylor Dome ice core, Antarctica. Geophysical Research Letters 27: 735-738
Petit, J.R., Jouzel, J., Raynaud, D., Barkov, N.I., Barnola, J.-M., Basile, I., Bender, M., Chappellaz, J., Davis, M., Delaygue, G., Delmotte, M., Kotlyakov, V.M., Legrand, M., Lipenkov, V.Y., Lorius, C., Pepin, L., Ritz, C., Saltzman, E., and Stievenard, M. 1999. Climate and atmospheric history of the past 420,000 years from the Vostok ice core, Antarctica. Nature 399: 429-436.
(3)Schuurmans, 1979; Bucha 1983; Herman and Goldberg, 1983; Neubauer 1983; Prohaska and Willett, 1983; Fairbridge and Shirley, 1987;Friis-Christensen and Lassen, 1991; Labitzke and van Loon, 1993; Haigh, 1996; Baliunas and Soon, 1995; Friis-Christensen and Lassen, 1995; Lau and Weng, 1995; Lean et al, 1995; Hoyt and Schatten, 1997; Reid, 1997; Soon et al. 1996; Svensmark and Friis-Christensen, 1997; White et al. 1997; Cliver et al.,

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