Friday, May 25, 2007

Gut Check America? Are They Kidding? This is Good.

This is good, really good. Let us have an open discussion of what "really matters in America". Is it "global warming"? What bothers me most, is our soldiers in Iraq. I respect and care for them. I cannot imagine being a "conscientiousness objector" on this issue when our enemy swears to kill us all. Everything else is mere rhetoric, to be polite.

Gut Check America: Share your stories
Your turn to start the conversation about what really matters in America
See what other readers consider the most important issues facing America today and register your opinion on the ‘Gut Check’ message board
Are you worried or outraged by something in your neighborhood, in our government or across the nation? What gnaws at you but seems to go unmentioned in the national political campaigns?

This is your chance to drive the conversation about what really matters in America.
Here’s how it works: You tell us about the specific issues that are most important to you and explain how they affect your daily life. We also want to hear how you would solve the problem.

Then, during the first week of each month leading to the 2008 presidential election, come to to vote on the issues that our readers raise. Your vote will help determine our reporters’ assignment for the month and the focus of our online “Gut Check” forum.
To participate, fill out the form below and provide your contact information so our reporters can get in touch with you if your submission is chosen. We will not publish or share the information you provide.

By doing so, you will be engaging in discussion about the true character of our nation -- the kind of conversation on which democracy thrives.


  1. It might have been a good idea when it started but now it is just a board dominated by a small core group of bigots.

    You should check it out.

  2. Thanks, I will check it sounds like a lot of political hot air however...
