Thursday, May 10, 2007

Democrats Social Engineering: Our Worst Nightmare Coming True

If people think global warming and climate change is a danger, wait until (and if) new legislation intending to control climate change begins to take effect. First of all, be aware that once again, this is about controlling carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.

Sound, clear, common-sensical scientific studies show that CO2 is not the driving force behind global warming and climate change. Only some computer models, fabricated by scientists with an agenda, based on theory, and manipulated by politicians, suggest CO2 is a pollutant.

Yet is spite of such flimsy evidence, our genius politicians are trying to pass laws that are going to cost us billions of wasted dollars. Somehow, someway, people are going to figure out we're being shafted. Here are some excerpts from the article and a link to it.

"Two of the frontrunners for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination this week agreed to co-sponsor legislation aimed at curbing global warming by putting caps on carbon emissions. Sen. Barbara Boxer, chairman of the Environment and Public Works Committee, announced Tuesday that Sens. Hillary Clinton of New York and Barack Obama of Illinois are co-sponsoring the Global Warming Pollution Reduction Act.

Clinton and Obama lead the pack of contenders for the Democratic nomination, based on recent polls. Other current senators seeking the nomination, Sens. Joseph Biden of Delaware and Christopher Dodd of Connecticut, also support the bill.

The bill crafted by Vermont Independent Sen. Bernie Sanders would set carbon emission standards for electricity plants, establish a carbon credit trading program, and set carbon emission standards for automobiles beginning in 2016.

It also expresses the "sense of the Senate that federal funds for clean, low-carbon energy research, development, and deployment should be increased by at least 100 percent each year" for 10 years.

to read the entire article, go here:

1 comment:

  1. Five years ago, climate change was about the last thing on the minds of American voters. Of course we weren't then being fed a constant barrage of warnings concerning climate change catastrophes.

    Recent polls report that one in three voters said global warming was the single biggest environmental threat facing the world. The vast majority of those polled said they support developing alternative energy sources like wind or solar power and biofuels. Since most politicians base their platforms on the results of voter polls, it should be no surprise that each major presidential candidate is now talking about the issue.

    Fortunately, many of the polls also suggest that people feel confused about the issue and aren't nearly as eager as some politicians when it comes to footing the bill to fight global warming.
