Tuesday, May 29, 2007

"The Chilling Stars"

Here are some reviews of a new book demonstrating how and why the Earth's changes in climate are caused by variations in the amount of energy produced by the sun.

The Chilling Stars: The New Theory of Climate Change (Paperback) by Henrik Svensmark (Author)

See here:


Richard A. Barca - See all my reviews An excellent book! I read it through the first time for shear pleasure, and am now re-reading it in detail with tri-colored highlighters. As a geologist I was especially impressed with the cosmoclimatology ties to the geologic record. In addition to doing occasional geological consulting, primarily in environmental geology these days, I am also an adjunct instructor at a local community college where I teach Introduction to Geology and also Physical Geography. I have long been a supporter of solar and cosmic control over Earth's climate, rather than man-made carbon dioxide emissions, and this book gives me some great information to incorporate into my Global Warming sections of these two classes. I am also putting a new course together on "Geology and Climate Changes," and "The Chilling Stars: The New Theory of Climate Change" is of considerable benefit in that regard as well. Thank you.

Richard A. Barca
Independent Consulting Geologist,
Community College Adjunct Faculty Member

A clear indication on the lack of consensus in the Global Warming debate, May 12, 2007
BritinUSA (USA) - See all my reviews As the title suggests, this book indicates that the so-called 'consensus' on the causes of Global Warming is far from the truth. The authors succinctly describe the theory of cloud creation that plays such a critical role in the Earth's global temperature. That the planet as a whole is warming is not open for debate, it is warming and has done in the past. In fact it is this evidence of previous warming and cooling that first leads the open-minded individual to conclude that human intervention cannot be the root cause.

As our solar system moves around the galaxy, we move closer to - or further from - clusters of stars that generate the cosmic rays that the authors claim is the key to cloud formation. More cosmic rays = more clouds = cooler temperatures. Added into the mix is our own sun and the magnetic influence it creates (called solar wind), this can drive the cosmic rays away from the Earth when the sun is active (as it is now). This resulting reduction in cosmic rays prevents the formation of clouds thereby causing a warming effect.

This is an easy book to read and also takes time to highlight the problems of some scientists who propose alternative theories to explain global warming. Problems such as a lack of funding and a general reluctance on behalf of their peers and the press to give them a fair hearing. Henrik Svensmark may have hit the nail on the head with his theory, and unlike the predictions of IPCC, his may be provable in the next few years, assuming of course that he can secure the necessary funding.

An old idea finally gains traction, April 28, 2007
globalcooler (seminole, FL United States) - See all my reviews
The authors have written an easily-understood description of what will turn out to be the greatest external forcing of Earth's climate. They clearly describe the effect of the sun's magnetic field on the intensity of cosmic rays impinging on the Earth, and the subsequent creation of cloud condensation nuclei as the cosmic rays interact with the Earth's atmosphere, particularly the lower troposphere where climate-cooling clouds reside.

Changes in cloud cover of a few percent causes climate forcing that dwarfs the effects of anthropogenic CO2 emissions. This is clearly a strong amplification effect of any electromagnetic radiation variability of the sun, and it explains a variety of climate variations over the Earth's history. I was also surprised by the lack of interest in providing the initial funding to Svensmark for even a low-cost scientific experiment, given the massive impact it will have on our understanding of climate if it withstands myriad experiments over the next decade.

The link between cosmic rays and cloud cover is described as a radical theory that has rapdily gained considerable scientific support over the past decade, even though the number of researchers is miniscule compared with the resources being poured into AGW research. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in understanding the leading edge of climate research, and I hope to live long enough to see Svensmark receive his Nobel in Stockholm for this pioneering work.

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