Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Politically Incorrect Guide To Global Warming

Here is a short video interview on Fox News with Christopher C. Horner, the author of the book "Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming". It's is a good introduction to the book, which I look forward to reading.



  1. The word conspiracy made have some negative
    connotations, but it seems that is what a lot of these
    articles are suggesting.
    And btw, many people I know believe there was a
    conspiracy against JFK.. and the secret conspiracy at
    Area 51.. or whatever happens to reinforce their

    I don't like using the word here because I can't say
    that's what's actually happening. Remember when we
    first began discussing this is was all about the
    science? I don't want to see science hijacked by
    either 'side'.

    Of course, when so many supporters of AGW (atmospheric global warming) began to say
    the science was settled, who not only didn't want to
    discuss it but began to insult and even threaten those
    opposed.. well, you can't help but question their

    So we've quickly moved from a discussion of good
    science vs junk science to all of this... I know what
    you mean about feeling we've entered this a little
    late in the game. Many of the articles we've discussed
    are from a year ago or earlier. But so much is written
    everyday about issues that seem to have little real
    significance in our lives. Who knew a small, poorly
    created documentary from a former Vice President would
    open up Pandora's Box..

  2. I'm hoping that people will begin, or at least continue to question and doubt what they're being told by proponents of man-induced global warming and climate change. It is staggering to comprehend how much money has already been wasted trying to understand and now change the Earth's climate.
