Monday, April 30, 2007

North Atlantic Sediments....yet more

Here is yet another article demonstrating global warming and cooling going on long before man's usage of coal and oil.

Science 17 February 1995:Vol. 267. no. 5200, pp. 1005 - 1010DOI: 10.1126/science.267.5200.1005
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Iceberg Discharges into the North Atlantic on Millennial Time Scales During the Last Glaciation Gerard C. Bond 1 and Rusty Lotti 1
1 Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, Palisades, NY 10964, USA.
High-resolution studies of North Atlantic deep sea cores demonstrate that prominent increases in iceberg calving recurred at intervals of 2000 to 3000 years, much more frequently than the 7000-to 10,000-year pacing of massive ice discharges associated with Heinrich events. The calving cycles correlate with warm-cold oscillations, called Dansgaard-Oeschger events, in Greenland ice cores. Each cycle records synchronous discharges of ice from different sources, and the cycles are decoupled from sea-surface temperatures. These findings point to a mechanism operating within the atmosphere that caused rapid oscillations in air temperatures above Greenland and in calving from more than one ice sheet.
Submitted on October 17, 1994Accepted on December 28, 1994

Signatures of rapid climatic changes in organic matter records in the western Mediterranean Sea during the last glacial period.
F. Baudin, N. Combourieu-Nebout, and R. Zahn (2007)Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France 178, 3-13 Abstract » Full Text » PDF »
Near-synchronous interhemispheric termination of the last glacial maximum in mid-latitudes..
J. M. Schaefer, G. H. Denton, D. J. A. Barrell, S. Ivy-Ochs, P. W. Kubik, B. G. Andersen, F. M. Phillips, T. V. Lowell, and C. Schluchter (2006)Science 312, 1510-1513 Abstract » Full Text » PDF »
Transgressive oversized radial ooid facies in the Late Jurassic Adriatic Platform interior: Low-energy precipitates from highly supersaturated hypersaline waters.
A. Husinec and J. F. Read (2006)GSA Bulletin 118, 550-556 Abstract » Full Text » PDF »
The last deglaciation of the southeastern sector of the Scandinavian ice sheet..
V. R. Rinterknecht, P. U. Clark, G. M. Raisbeck, F. Yiou, A. Bitinas, E. J. Brook, L. Marks, V. Zelcs, J.-P. Lunkka, I. E. Pavlovskaya, J. A. Piotrowski, and A. Raukas (2006)Science 311, 1449-1452 Abstract » Full Text » PDF »
Glacial-Marine or Subglacial Origin of Diamicton Units from the Southwest and North Iceland Shelf: Implications for the Glacial History of Iceland.
S. M. Principato, A. E. Jennings, G. B. Kristjansdottir, and J. T. Andrews (2005)Journal of Sedimentary Research 75, 968-983 Abstract » Full Text » PDF »
Morphometry of Coccolithus pelagicus s.l. (Coccolithophore, Haptophyta) from offshore Portugal, during the last 200 kyr..
A. Parente, M. Cachao, K.-H. Baumann, L. de Abreu, and J. Ferreira (2004)Micropaleontology 50, 107-120 Abstract » Full Text » PDF »
Fine-grained sediment lofting from meltwater-generated turbidity currents during Heinrich events.
(2004)Geology 32, 449-452
Bipolar correlation of volcanism with millennial climate change.
R. C. Bay, N. Bramall, and P. B. Price (2004)PNAS 101, 6341-6345 Abstract » Full Text » PDF »
Does the Trigger for Abrupt Climate Change Reside in the Ocean or in the Atmosphere?.
W. S. Broecker (2003)Science 300, 1519-1522 Abstract » Full Text » PDF »
Catastrophic arid episodes in the Eastern Mediterranean linked with the North Atlantic Heinrich events.
(2003)Geology 31, 439-442
Interplay between tectonics and glacio-eustasy: Pleistocene succession of the Crotone basin, Calabria (southern Italy).
(2002)GSA Bulletin 114, 1183-1209
Enhanced aridity and atmospheric high-pressure stability over the western Mediterranean during the North Atlantic cold events of the past 50 k.y..
(2002)Geology 30, 863-866
Ocean circulation and iceberg discharge in the glacial North Atlantic: Inferences from unmixing of sediment size distributions.
(2002)Geology 30, 555-558
Widespread evidence of 1500 yr climate variability in North America during the past 14 000 yr.
(2002)Geology 30, 455-458
Calving glaciers.
C. J. van der Veen (2002)Progress in Physical Geography 26, 96-122 Abstract » PDF »
Late Pleistocene glacially-influenced deep-marine sedimentation off NW Britain: implications for the rock record.
S. Davison and M. S. Stoker (2002)Geological Society, London, Special Publications 203, 129-147 Abstract » PDF »
Grain-size characteristics and provenance of ice-proximal glacial marine sediments.
J. T. Andrews and S. M. Principato (2002)Geological Society, London, Special Publications 203, 305-324 Abstract » PDF »
Millennial and sub-millennial-scale variability in sediment colour from the Barra Fan, NW Scotland: implications for British ice sheet dynamics.
L. J. Wilson and W. E. N. Austin (2002)Geological Society, London, Special Publications 203, 349-365 Abstract » PDF »
Glacier-influenced sedimentation on high-latitude continental margins: introduction and overview.
J. A. Dowdeswell and C. O Cofaigh (2002)Geological Society, London, Special Publications 203, 1-9 Abstract » PDF »
Diatom-based conductivity reconstruction and palaeoclimatic interpretation of a 40-ka record from Lake Zeribar, Iran.
J. A. Snyder, J. A. Snyder, K. Wasylik, S. C. Fritz, and H. E. Wright Jr (2001)The Holocene 11, 737-745 Abstract » PDF »
Timing of Millennial-Scale Climate Change in Antarctica and Greenland During the Last Glacial Period.
T. Blunier and E. J. Brook (2001)Science 291, 109-112 Abstract » Full Text »
Modulation and amplification of climatic changes in the Northern Hemisphere by the Indian summer monsoon during the past 80 k.y.
(2001)Geology 29, 63-66
Hydrological Impact of Heinrich Events in the Subtropical Northeast Atlantic.
E. Bard, F. Rostek, J.-L. Turon, and S. Gendreau (2000)Science 289, 1321-1324 Abstract » Full Text »
Millennial-Scale Instability of the Antarctic Ice Sheet During the Last Glaciation.
S. L. Kanfoush, D. A. Hodell, C. D. Charles, T. P. Guilderson, P. G. Mortyn, and U. S. Ninnemann (2000)Science 288, 1815-1819 Abstract » Full Text » PDF »
Century- to millennial-scale sedimentological-geochemical records of glacial-Holocene sediment variations from the Barra Fan (NE Atlantic).
D. Kroon, D. KROON, G. SHIMMIELD, W. E. N. AUSTIN, S. DERRICK, P. KNUTZ, and T. SHIMMIELD (2000)Journal of the Geological Society 157, 643-653 Abstract » Full Text » PDF »
Were the North Atlantic Heinrich events triggered by the behavior of the European ice sheets?.
(2000)Geology 28, 123-126
Seismic stratigraphy of the Gulf of Cadiz continental shelf: a model for Late Quaternary very high-resolution sequence stratigraphy and response to sea-level fall.
F. J. Hernandez-Molina, L. Somoza, and F. Lobo (2000)Geological Society, London, Special Publications 172, 329-362 Abstract » PDF »
Abrupt Climate Change at the End of the Last Glacial Period Inferred from Trapped Air in Polar Ice.
J. P. Severinghaus and E. J. Brook (1999)Science 286, 930-934 Abstract » Full Text »
Late-Holocene climate in central West Greenland: meteorological data and rock-glacier isotope evidence.
O. Humlum and O. Humlum (1999)The Holocene 9, 581-594 Abstract » PDF »
A Mid-European Decadal Isotope-Climate Record from 15,500 to 5000 Years B.P..
U. v. Grafenstein, H. Erlenkeuser, A. Brauer, J. Jouzel, and S. J. Johnsen (1999)Science 284, 1654-1657 Abstract » Full Text »
Sudden climate transitions during the Quaternary.
J. Adams, M. Maslin, and E. Thomas (1999)Progress in Physical Geography 23, 1-36 Abstract » PDF »
Ice-flow stages and glacial bedforms in north central Ireland: a record of rapid environmental change during the last glacial termination.
A. M. McCABE, J. KNIGHT, and S. G. McCARRON (1999)Journal of the Geological Society 156, 63-72 Abstract » PDF »
Early-Holocene aridity in tropical northern Australia.
J. Nott, E. Bryant, and D. Price (1999)The Holocene 9, 231-236 Abstract » PDF »
Abrupt Climate Events 500,000 to 340,000 Years Ago: Evidence from Subpolar North Atlantic Sediments.
D. W. Oppo, J. F. McManus, and J. L. Cullen (1998)Science 279, 1335-1338 Abstract » Full Text »
Cyclic sedimentation on the Faeroe Drift 53-10 ka BP related to climatic variations.
T. L. Rasmussen, E. Thomsen, and T. C. E. Van Weering (1998)Geological Society, London, Special Publications 129, 255-267 Abstract » PDF »
Natural gas hydrates: searching for the long-term climatic and slope-stability records.
B. U. Haq (1998)Geological Society, London, Special Publications 137, 303-318 Abstract » PDF »
Thermohaline Circulation, the Achilles Heel of Our Climate System: Will Man-Made CO2 Upset the Current Balance?.
W. S. Broecker (1997)Science 278, 1582-1588 Abstract » Full Text »
A Pervasive Millennial-Scale Cycle in North Atlantic Holocene and Glacial Climates.
G. Bond, W. Showers, M. Cheseby, R. Lotti, P. Almasi, P. deMenocal, P. Priore, H. Cullen, I. Hajdas, and G. Bonani (1997)Science 278, 1257-1266 Abstract » Full Text »
Dating and rhythmicity from the last deglacial cycle in the British Isles.
A. M. McCABE (1996)Journal of the Geological Society 153, 499-502 Abstract » PDF »
Response: Testing for Bias in the Climate Record.
D. J. Thomson (1996)Science 271, 1881-1883 PDF »
Abrupt changes in marine conditions, Sunneshine Fiord, eastern Baffin Island, NWT during the last deglacial transition: Younger Dryas and H-0 events.
J. T. Andrews, L. E. Osterman, A. E. Jennings, J. P. M. Syvitski, G. H. Miller, and N. Weiner (1996)Geological Society, London, Special Publications 111, 11-27 Abstract » PDF »
Shelf erosion and glacial ice proximity in the Labrador Sea during and after Heinrich events (H-3 or 4 to H-0) as shown by foraminifera.
A. E. Jennings, K. A. Tedesco, J. T. Andrews, and M. E. Kirby (1996)Geological Society, London, Special Publications 111, 29-49 Abstract » PDF »
Deglaciation of the inner Scotian Shelf, Nova Scotia: correlation of terrestrial and marine glacial events.
R. R. Stea, R. Boyd, O. Costello, G. B. J. Fader, and D. B. Scott (1996)Geological Society, London, Special Publications 111, 77-101 Abstract » PDF »
Rock (mineral)-magnetic properties of post-glacial (16-0.5 ka) sediments from the Emerald Basin (Scotian Shelf), Canada.
F. R. Hall and S. J. Reed (1996)Geological Society, London, Special Publications 111, 103-115 Abstract » PDF »
Late Quaternary glacial history and short-term ice-rafted debris fluctuations along the East Greenland continental margin.
R. Stein, S.-i. Nam, H. Grobe, and H. Hubberten (1996)Geological Society, London, Special Publications 111, 135-151 Abstract » PDF »
Late glacial air temperature, oceanographic and ice sheet interactions in the southern Barents Sea region.
T. O. Vorren and J. S. Laberg (1996)Geological Society, London, Special Publications 111, 303-321 Abstract » PDF »
Interhemispheric Correlation of Late Pleistocene Glacial Events.
T. V. Lowell, T. V. Lowell, C. J. Heusser, B. G. Andersen, P. I. Moreno, A. Hauser, L. E. Heusser, C. Schluchter, D. R. Marchant, and G. H. Denton (1995)Science 269, 1541-1549 Abstract » PDF »
The Seasons, Global Temperature, and Precession.
D. J. Thomson (1995)Science 268, 59-68 Abstract » PDF »
Instability of Glacial Climate in a Model of the Ocean- Atmosphere-Cryosphere System.
A. Schmittner, M. Yoshimori, and A. J. Weaver (2002)Science 295, 1489-1493 Abstract » Full Text » PDF »

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