Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Step It Up 2007, Totally Ridiculous

Have you heard of anything as useless and ill-advised as Step It Up 2007 anytime in recent memory? Considering the evidence showing carbon dioxide emissions play a minor role in global warming, (detailed elsewhere on this blog), and taking into account the scientific disagreement on the subject, such drastic action as Step It Up 2007 looks more than foolish. Note: The following is from Wikipedia Greenhouse Gases.

"The major natural greenhouse gases are water vapour, which causes about 36-70% of the greenhouse effect on Earth (not including clouds); carbon dioxide, which causes 9-26%; methane, which causes 4-9%, and ozone, which causes 3-7%."
"Water vapor is a naturally occurring greenhouse gas and accounts for the largest percentage of the greenhouse effect."


Dearest Grist reader,
Know how we give you lots of bad news but don't always give you a way to do anything about it? Yeah, sorry about that. But look! Here's something you can do:
We hereby invite you (inveigle you, even) to join Step It Up 2007 -- a day of community events across the U.S. where citizens will demand political action on climate change. On Saturday, April 14, at simultaneous events ranging from protest marches to canoe caravans, Americans will call for Congress to enact immediate cuts in carbon emissions and pledge an 80 percent reduction by 2050. You heard it here first: it's time to get hot and bothered.
Who: You, and everyone you knowWhat: Rallies, parties, parades, sit-ins, hikes, climbs, dives, and much moreWhen: Saturday, April 14, 2007Where: More than 1,000 spots around the U.S.Why: Because it's getting hot in here
Find an event in your neck of the 'hoods. Don't see anything nearby? Then organize one yourself! It's easier than it sounds. Find out how.
Get the behind-the-scenes story on the Step It Up campaign via weekly dispatches that author and organizer Bill McKibben is writing for Grist.
We'd love to see a critical mass of creative, dedicated, intelligent, and all-around stupendous Grist readers join us at these events. Oh, and bring your camera -- Step It Up will be posting pictures on the web from every event, so the whole world can see the impact of our actions.
See you out there!
The Grist staff
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