Sunday, March 25, 2007

Some Quotes To Remember, If There is only one thing here you read.

Talk about chilling.......consider the following statements. These alone ought to make you more than a little worried about the path down which we're being led by the global warming alarmists. Forget the cute polar bears, politics, Oscars, Big Al Gore the Prophet and his true believers. This is really serious folks.

The case for a "greenhouse problem" is made by environmentalists, news anchormen , and special interests who make inaccurate and misleading statements about global warming and climate change. Even though people may be skeptical of such rhetoric initially, after awhile people start believing it must be true because we hear it so often.

"We have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of any doubts we may have. Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest."
Stephen Schneider (leading advocate of the global warming theory)(in interview for Discover magazine, Oct 1989)

"In the United States...we have to first convince the American People and the Congress that the climate problem is real."
former President Bill Clinton in a 1997 address to the United Nations

"In the long run, the replacement of the precise and disciplined language of science by the misleading language of litigation and advocacy may be one of the more important sources of damage to society incurred in the current debate over global warming."
Dr. Richard S. Lindzen(leading climate and atmospheric science expert- MIT) (3)

"Researchers pound the global-warming drum because they know there is politics and, therefore, money behind it. . . I've been critical of global warming and am persona non grata."
Dr. William Gray(Professor of Atmospheric Sciences at Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado and leading expert of hurricane prediction )(in an interview for the Denver Rocky Mountain News, November 28, 1999)

"Science should be both compelling and widely accepted before Federal regulations are promulgated."
Dr. David L. Lewis(27-year veteran of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and critic of the agency's departure from scientific rationale in favor of political agenda)(in an interview for Nature Magazine, June 27, 1996)

"Scientists who want to attract attention to themselves, who want to attract great funding to themselves, have to (find a) way to scare the public . . . and this you can achieve only by making things bigger and more dangerous than they really are."
Petr Chylek(Professor of Physics and Atmospheric Science, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia)Commenting on reports by other researchers that Greenland's glaciers are melting.(Halifax Chronicle-Herald, August 22, 2001) (8)

"Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing -- in terms of economic policy and environmental policy."
Tim Wirth , while U.S. Senator, Colorado.After a short stint as United Nations Under-Secretary for Global Affairs (4)he now serves as President, U.N. Foundation, created by Ted Turner and his $1 billion "gift"

"No matter if the science is all phony, there are collateral environmental benefits.... Climate change [provides] the greatest chance to bring about justice and equality in the world."
Christine Stewart, Minister of the Environment of Canadarecent quote from the Calgary Herald

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