Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Plot Thickens.......

Boy, this is heavy-duty stuff folks. In reference to my last post about the effects of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, I looked into the Environmental Research Institute of Michigan.
They obviously did a great deal of pioneering research into the atmosphere and climatic effects, much of which is apparently lost or forgotten.

Much of the work they did involved using high-altitude aircraft, satelites, and high-tech sensors. Apparently a lot of this work was done for the government during the Cold War and was thus top secret. My point is, I wonder how many of today's young, and no doubt very intelligent computer climate modelers know of this data and work? It seems obvious that the best way to study the atmosphere is from space, because that way you can look at the entire system, the big picture. It has to be better than looking at a thermometer and wiping your brow, or wading into the surf and saying, "darn it sure seems warmer this year than last".

I'll bet some of the highly esteemed "old-timer" climate scientists know about this older atmospheric research, and incorporate it into their understanding of climate change and why they are not in a huge panic about it. Read on this blog and other places what scientists like Dr. Timothy Ball, and Dr. Reid A. Bryson, and Prof. Richard Lindzen have to say.

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