Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Nasty Stuff.......Down and Dirty Politics and Science

I feel like a "babe in the woods". I thought science was pure and simple and honest. Everyone is being used and abused........witness the latest from the late, great state of Colorado:

Political Correctness For State Climatologists In Order To Force These Positions To Embrace Global Warming As Summarized By The IPCC – A Chilling Development
Filed under: Climate Science Op-Eds — Roger Pielke Sr. @ 3:22 pm

There are currently two efforts underway to remove two State Climatologists from their positions because they do not parrot the summary conclusions of the new IPCC Report. These attempts are in Delaware (David Legates; see and see) and Oregon (George Taylor; see). This follows the recommendation by Heidi Cullen of the Weather Channel to retract the certification of broadcast weather forecasters who do not accept what she considers is the accepted scientific view of global warming (see).

Both David Legates and George Taylor are well respected by their peer State Climatologists. George Taylor was elected twice as President of the American Association of State Climatologists.
The move to remove them from their positions because they do not espouse a particular viewpoint on climate change reflects negatively on the politicians who are abusing their power to enforce their views. Regardless of your perspective on the role of humans in the climate system, their attempt to force political correctness on any science issue should be vigorously repudiated.

I also commented on the weblog on Promthesus on this subject. Here is what I wrote there;
“As Former State Climatologist of Colorado and Past President of the American Association of State Climatologists, I am familiar with this appointment. The political intervention of the Governors of Delaware and Oregon to seek the removal of two State Climatologists is unprecedented.
To provide background for the certification process, the website for the American Association of State Climatologists (AASC) is

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