Tuesday, March 20, 2007

A Book about science gone mad

There are many instances in history where science has been used for evil purposes, when scientists are controlled and manipulated for political reasons. No, I'm not talking about global warming, I'm referring to the science of eugenics. This horrible misuse of science occurred not long ago. It can happen again if we're not careful. Let us question the basis for the theory of man-caused global warming very, very carefully before we regulate and tax ourselves to death.

The book I'm referring to and highly recommending is titled "By Trust Betrayed: Patients, Physicians, and the License to Kill in the Third Reich", by Hugh Gregory Gallagher.

To quote from the back cover:
"By Trust Betrayed" provides new insight into the horrors of
ordinary people doing monstrous things under the aegis of "science" in Nazi
Germany. It also raises troubling questions about many contemporary
theories and ideas dealing with euthanasia, health care, and medical

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