Saturday, March 24, 2007

BIG Money To Be Made Off Environmentalism and The Global Warming Scare

If you think I am exagerating about what is really driving the big scare being foisted upon us by the environmentalists, and the fear, and terror about global warming, go to this website and see what they have to say about their own members. But first, read their own statements about who they are. I think you can read between the lines. Gee whiz, I wonder what their motive is? Altruism does not come to mind. They make Al Gore look like an amateur con-man. Watch your wallets folks, because they want what is inside.

If this did not copy well, go here for their website:

Over the past 15 years Celsias team members have been involved in a number of renewable energy and global software companies. We are all committed to taking action on the global warming problem.

Nick is the recently-appointed CEO of Celsias. Prior to joining Celsias, Nick was the CEO of technology company Energy Intellect that served the electricity sectors in New Zealand and Australia. Before moving down under, Nick was a senior investment banker in New York with JP Morgan and head of the US utility investment banking team at CIBC World Markets. He was also the founding CEO of a drug testing outsource provider, and worked as a nuclear engineer with Asea Brown Boveri (ABB) and Westinghouse

Craig brings a broad skills base in computers, websites, writing, advertising & photography with proven successful hands-on experience in innovative business development and promotion. Craig also trained in sustainable horticulture in Scandinavia, and is very well-travelled.

Former Mayor of Christchurch, former Director of the NZ Reserve Bank and member of the NZ Science and Innovation Advisory Council, Vicki is currently deputy chair of NZ Windfarms (renewable electricity) and Aquaflow Bionomic Corporation (bio-diesel).
Founder of Sparkbox (angel investment), Raise (intellectual property developer for more than a dozen new ventures) and Gate20 (disruptive technology exporter), Derek has a host of technology start-up experience.

Former intellectual property lawyer, founder of Crispstart (international knowledge broker) and Gate20 (disruptive technology exporter), Nick has been involved in many new ventures including Syft Technologies, Nano Cluster Devices, Vortex Technology Services and Aquaflow Bionomic Corporation.

Self made private investor and business growth specialist, Hamish is the current Director of Marlborough Olive Mill, Sounds Boat Painting and Epic Animal Salts. He brings a very practical, earthy approach to the importance of global warming.

Founder of Provoke (Microsoft web developer) and Gate20 (disruptive technology exporter). Dave has over 10 years of web application development experience involving high volume, high security, life critical systems.

Former Executive Director of the NZ Electricity Supply Association, founding Director of M-co (global wholesale electricity market platform trading over US$1b annually), founder Chairman of the APEC Energy Business Network in the Asia Pacific region and current Chairman of Windflow Technology (NZAX: WTL).

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