Exploring the issue of global warming and/or climate change, its science, politics and economics.
Glover on Haiti:
“What happened in Haiti could happen to anywhere in the Caribbean because all these island nations are in peril because of global warming,” Glover said. “When we see what we did at the climate summit in Copenhagen, this is the response, this is what happens, you know what I’m sayin’?”
And the man that makes Glover look like a steely-eyed rocket scientist, Ayatollah Kazem Sedighi:
“Many women who dress inappropriately … cause youths to go astray, taint their chastity and incite extramarital sex in society, which increases earthquakes”
No, really, he said that. Out loud and everything.
"In Internet
slang, a troll is someone who posts
inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as
an online discussion forum, chat
room or blog, with
the primary intent of provoking other users into a desired emotional response[1] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[2]"
Written by James Delingpole, Telegraph 18 April 2010 (source)
You may have noticed the strong stench of troll lurking below this blog of late. (Hat tip Barry Woods)
And here’s the reason:
Sceptic alerts
Are you fed up with sceptics and pseudo-scientists dominating blogs and news articles with their denialist propaganda? Well, fight back! We are trying to create an online army of online volunteers to try and tip the balance back in the favour of scientific fact, not scientific fiction.
To sign up, enter your e-mail address in the box below:
You will receive one e-mail alert per day containing links to various climate change news articles. We need you to politely explain in the comments section why global warming is actually happening and why it’s not a big conspiracy. You can contribute to as little or as many articles as you like, just dive in.
It comes from an organisation called the Campaign Against Climate Change. Its honorary president is George Monbiot; its vice-presidents are three politicians – self-hating public school socialist Michael Meacher; Norman Baker (who he?); overpromoted Green MEP Caroline Lucas; and its advisers include the usual crazed rag-bag of yoghurt weaving, Atomkraft-Nein-Danke loons.
Apparently the reason we sceptics and evil deniers are doing so well at the moment is because of all the massive funding we receive from Big Oil.
It has recently been revealed that Koch Industries, a little-known, privately owned US oil company, paid nearly US$50 million to climate denial groups and individuals between 1997 and 2008. In a similar period Exxon Mobil paid out around $17 to $23 million. Closer to home, it has been suggested that Shell’s funding of an exhibition at the Science Museum may be linked to the museum stepping back from its earlier strong stance on climate change.
Also, we’re psychologically damaged and love making stuff up:
Those who actively promote climate scepticism are well networked, and have been termed ‘deniers’ rather than sceptics because many show scant regard for the facts, while seizing avidly on any error in the work of climate scientists
Luckily, the Warmists have thought up a brilliant counter to our wicked plan to fill the world with lies and carbon emissions. They’re going to, get this, lurk at the bottom of our blogs and make snarky remarks and post links to RealClimate proving that we’re completely wrong. Hurrah! Thus, through the mighty power of the blogosphere will the world be saved.
Oh, and guess who the Warmist trolls (UK branch, anyway) think the most evil denier of all is?
Modesty forbids me from naming him. But here’s a clue from the home of impotent, sphincter-bursting libtard rage that is Left Foot Forward, in yet another piece on how to deal with Climate Sceptics:
For now, though, let me close with a challenge for progressive readers: one of the study’s more obvious conclusions was how effective climate sceptics are at commenting on forums, posting stock arguments, and linking back to sceptic sites. This is unsurprising for anyone who has ever trawled through comments left behind after any climate change article. By the time you read this, there will doubtless be sceptical comments posted beneath this blog, too.
So here’s what I’d like you to do:
• Read the comments, and if you notice any that cast doubt on the validity of climate science, post a response, be polite and use facts;
• You might like to make use of the handy checklist of arguments to counter deniers over at Skeptical Science;
• Link to some of the dirt dug up on sceptics’ funding by SourceWatch; or
• Refer to the discussions at RealClimate and Climate Safety.
Oh, and remember to check out James Delingpole’s column at the Telegraph. If any of it makes you angry, you might like to let him know. Did I say be polite? Scratch that.
Pip! Pip! Off now to eat some foie gras stuffed with truffles – courtesy of Big Koch – while I dream up a few more climate lies.
Cap and Trade | |
What is this and what does it mean for veterinary medicine? | |
Speaker of the House | |
It is fair to say that veterinarians are not experts on matters of the environment, chemistry, physics, and climatology. On the other hand, to enter veterinary school one must at least pass or survive a prerequisite amount of college courses pertaining to the basic sciences, such as chemistry, biology, physics, animal science, toxicology, etc. While in veterinary school, we certainly learn about the interactions and effects of chemicals and physical forces upon living systems, be it animal or human. It comes as no surprise to most customers that as veterinarians we become quite experienced in dealing with matters pertaining to elimination, be it of the urinary tract or digestive tract. To get to the point, be it feces, excrement, bowel movements, or "bullshit", we learn to recognize it and call it what it is. For simplicity and time efficiency, I outline my thoughts on this subject. 1. Cap and Trade is based upon the assumption that CO2 emissions cause "global warming" in a significant manner. 2. There is no definitive proof of this concept. It is controversial. 4. The effects of the Cap and Trade legislation will drastically tax and increase the cost of production of electricity in the United States, especially in Texas, since coal is the primary source of electricity generation. Some estimates suggest a rapid doubling upon the prices of electricity. 5. Large polluting countries like China and India will likely continue to ignore such measures, continuing to be price competitive, and take more and more jobs from America. Is there anything else that's not made in China or serviced in India? That's why we owe China so much debt. This debt makes the value of the American money worth less and less. 6. If the cost of electricity for this animal clinic goes from $12,000 a year to $24,000, I will have to pass on such costs to customers. Other businesses will in turn pass on their costs, drastically raising the cost of veterinary medicine. 7. If our nation's leaders wish to burn less coal for electricity generation, they should make it possible to build more nuclear power plants or petroleum or natural gas powered plants, not tax the prices of our electricity. 8. I am all for preserving resources and taking care of the environment, but taking draconian measures that automatically punish users of electricity, small and large, based upon highly debated science is inappropriate. 9. When legislation doesn't seem to make sense, always "follow the money trail". I will provide some other links to help in this matter. |
Watch as Al Gore refuses to answer any questions about Arctic Ice, Climategate or whether or not he'll profit if cap and trade is passed in the United States. Click on the following link to view the video clip....Al Gore is like a cowardly rat avoiding the light of day.
Visit Climategate Country Club at:
Labels: Crime, Democrats, Economy, Obama, Pelosi, Reid, World
"The Enviro-Statist poses as a defender of clean air, clear water, penguins, seals, polar bears, glaciers, the poor, the Third World, and humanity itself... But he is already responsible for the death and impoverishment of tens of millions of human beings in the undeveloped world." -- Dr. Mark Levin, Liberty and Tyranny.
The collapse of the global warming cult has greens in a mean mood.
Just a few weeks ago Greenpeace uttered threats against skeptics, and when called out for it tried to spin it before finally hiding the offending article.
Treehugger, a popular hippie hang-out, practically celebrates dead miners:
“…I really don’t care about the miners. If you work for the oil/coal industry you’re working to destroy the environment and you deserve whatever karma throws your way…”
This isn’t some minor phenomenon, calls to jail skeptics come from the leaders of the green movement, who want public trials held, possibly leading to the execution of skeptics.
As the liberal media obsesses about Tea Party ‘extremists’, the real thugs are in plain sight. Funny how that doesn’t make the headlines.